Train Trials is a captivating Freshman-made experience, following the protagonist, Eeveeon, as he is tasked to parkour and solve puzzles to regain control of a runaway train.
Train Trials is the game most affected by me. Since it was an extension of my solo platformer Taxing Train Trials, many of the same ideas were kept for this version. However, thanks to the help of my two fellow programmers, and a handful of artists, it was able to be slimmed down into a more compact experience.
This game was judged by team members of Deep Silver Volition and placed 3rd runner up for best exhibit at FUSE 2023. It is an honor, especially since the entire team was made up my Freshman, compared to every other FUSE exhibit, which featured members from every cohort.
The game can be played in under ten minutes, and features some similar level design to Taxing Train Trials.